Porto Startups List

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ID 228446

Mário Bessa

Founder Espresso MD cloud EHR • Worked at @siemens-healthcare • Studied at @universidade-do-porto

ID 157094

Tiago Alves

CEO & Founder of Iterar. Previously at Niiiws. Master of Medicine at Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto.

ID 394054

Luís Martinho

Part of the @toptalllc developer network

ID 146698

Miguel Pinto

Founder @portuguese-php-user-group, @rocket-internet Portugal • Worked at @rocket-internet, @lookatitude-it-services

ID 82753

Francisco Tomé Costa

I'm passionate about football, startups and technology

ID 483200

Tiago Amaral

Worked at @bluwalk • Studied at @isep-porto

ID 80002

Fábio Oliveira

Software Architect at ALERT Life Sciences Computing, S.A. iOS developer

ID 165905

João Figueiredo

Founder @serei-as-chaves - Software Engineering finalist at FEUP - Web developer - Startups enthusiast.

ID 256947

Fábio Martins

Co-Founder of @skilleo and @bunker-studios. Software developer, photographer and philantropist.

ID 196283

Daniel Loureiro

Studied at @universidade-do-porto

ID 127845

Simão Freitas

Software engineer @marley-spoon. Previously @pryog, @wedo-technologies, @vortal. Founder and editor at strobe.pt

ID 117946

Tiago Martins

Founder & CEO of Songvice • Studied Computer Science at @university-of-hertfordshire. Passionate Ruby on Rails Developer. House Music DJ & Producer

ID 514215

Pedro Paixão

Founder @simi-1 • Worked at @portugal-telecom, @liacc-artificial-intelligence-and-computer-science-laboratory • Studied at @feup

ID 65266

João Valente

Founder & CTO @outtrippin. Previously Tech-Lead at schooools.com and Project Manager / Information Architect at doist.io. Bridging the gap between computers and people.

ID 577622

João Fernandes

FEUP Junior Software Engineer, former teaching assistant at FEUP and current intern at Glintt Healthcare Solutions. Likes to work outside the box.

ID 343879

João Ribeiro

- Software Engineer @skilleo - Enthusiast of new technologies and open source software - Entrepreneur Spirit - Linux Fan

ID 156133

Filipe Pina

Web Developer (mainly on Rails)... a geek with a musical hobby! Working @muchbeta and @niiiws

ID 39994

Nuno Job

Geek. Open-source enthusiast. CCO @nodejitsu. Founder @thenodefirm & curator @lxjs

ID 69035

Rui Quelhas

Software Engineer @alpha-internet-ventures. Prev. same role @muzzley, PM @roundabet, all-around young programmer @onleague and guy @lean Startup Meetup Minho.

ID 441896

Nuno Marques

PhD candidate in Machine Learning @ University of Porto

ID 31917

João Nunes

Worked at @freelancer, @xd-portugal • Studied at @bachelor-of-engineering-computer-science

ID 250548

Júlio Santos

A Software Engineer and a great cook.

ID 120002

Rafael Pires

I'm a curious tech guy, exploring the entrepreneurship world, with a recently found passion for design! - Co-founder @startup-pirates

ID 329948

André Fernandes


ID 79821

António Jorge Alpedrinha Ramos

Recently a NodeJs enthusiast! Great learner, challenges oriented ! Interested in cool things like AI and complex algorithms !

ID 779116

Vítor Araújo


ID 653212

João Portela

Software Developer. Web enthusiast. Product-driven motivation.

ID 439137

João Almeida

Software Engineer with a large frontend development experience

ID 177239

Henrique Oliveira

it guy, thinker, make meaning, looking for a better world, Spirituality is everything.

ID 339874

Pedro Saraiva

I write code. Interested in machine learning, distributed computing, and open source.

ID 495876

Luis Gomes

Masters in Informatics and Computing Engineering at FEUP, Portugal; Worked as software developer; Web and machine learning enthusiastic

ID 495363

Rui Marinho

Passionate about techonlogy , 7 years working with xaml on windows and doing web development. 3 years of mobile development on multiple platforms.

ID 485527

Luis Costa

Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering at FEUP, Android Developer

ID 361028

João Pinheiro

Technology enthusiast

ID 387882

Gonçalo Queirós

Masters in Informatics Engineering

ID 478563

Rui Ferreira

SW contractor at Becker. Strong SW engineering background on development and experience in team leadership. Full-stack generalist enjoying working on web dev.

ID 122991

André Pinto

MSc in Computer Engineering. Working at Blip as a SRE developer. Interested in Social, Web, Mobile and Location, or any other deeply challenging quest.

ID 500535

Mário Ramos

Full stack webdeveloper

ID 500106

Luis Costa

Android developer with a little experience in Windows 8 as well. Currently developing banking mobile applications.

ID 251516

José Gaspar

ID 120940

Vítor Brandão

Co-Founder and CTO of @nexttoyou-network-solutions

ID 498619

Miguel Ferreira

Multi-platform objective-oriented Software Engineer. Loves challenges. Learning is living

ID 718137

André Alves

A social geek wannabe. Also a daydreamer.

ID 412380

Fábio Rocha

iOS dev, web entusiast, revolutionary ninja developer, part-time hacker and technology addict.

ID 181183

Pedro Abreu

Worked at @flyr ,@cisco and @ubiwhere

ID 496714

Nuno Matos

Engineer and programmer. Developer of video-games with motion sensors for Android.

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