Porto Startups List

Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Porto.

Meet 150 entepreneurs, makers, and investors based in Porto

ID 435392

Paulo Patrício

Designer and visual storyteller. Print and web designer at @memeoirs.

ID 759100

Luis Adler

I worked in the multinational environemnt. I studied International Management and currently I work as a business developer at Zercatto a seedcamp funded company

ID 127845

Simão Freitas

Software engineer @marley-spoon. Previously @pryog, @wedo-technologies, @vortal. Founder and editor at strobe.pt

ID 120002

Rafael Pires

I'm a curious tech guy, exploring the entrepreneurship world, with a recently found passion for design! - Co-founder @startup-pirates

ID 156208


Creative Director / Lead Designer @muchbeta, @niiiws @geekslab Something Niiiw just for you www.niiiws.com

ID 65231

Frederico Camara

Co-Founder of @wegoout. Owner and Business Developer at Blip. Technical director at Daydream. UX team leader at @nokia-siemens-networks.

ID 65266

João Valente

Founder & CTO @outtrippin. Previously Tech-Lead at schooools.com and Project Manager / Information Architect at doist.io. Bridging the gap between computers and people.

ID 118493

Inês Silva

Co-founder & Chief Pirate at @startup-pirates.

ID 451765

Nuno Veloso

Casual genius. Web craftsman @MarzeeLabs. Professional foreigner. @muQu_org ex-@Demotix. #activism #drupal #guitar #js #Latinoamerica #opensource #Portugal

ID 299538

Paulo Martins

Co-Founder of Treeveo. MSc in Electrical Engineering, working experience developing sw in a Portuguese bank and also in a Web Startup from Barcelona.

ID 445450

Ricardo Sousa

Founder & CEO @clientplus + Founder & Chairman @colorelephant // Worked with/for @microsoft @wooga @6wunderkinder @evernote ...

ID 126319

Afonso Santos

CEO & Founder of @tuizzi.com; Winner of "Startup Games 2012" and "Outstanding Individual Award"; Winner of SWITCH Conference Startup Competition Lisbon 2012

ID 82753

Francisco Tomé Costa

I'm passionate about football, startups and technology

ID 39994

Nuno Job

Geek. Open-source enthusiast. CCO @nodejitsu. Founder @thenodefirm & curator @lxjs

ID 101923

Pedro Coutinho

CEO & Founder @meethub, @waterdog-mobile • Worked at @german-aerospace-centre, @gmv-s-a • Studied at @chalmers-institute-of-technology

ID 342576

Hristo Odiseev

Managing Director of Rocket Internet Technology Center | Founder of Zaedno & incirQle | Lives technology and startups | Worked at Google, 3M, KPMG

ID 387132

Henrique Caiano

Founder & Lead Designer @songvice, @headblendr. Fouder & Label Manager @sync-forward

ID 512037

Gonçalo Andrade

Founder SIMI • Worked at @orbus-software, @copidouro

ID 126440

Felipe Ávila da Costa

Software Engineer + MBA by Education; Manager @uptec by Profession; Entrepreneur by Heart. Start, Iterate and Grow!

ID 383865

Tiago Sá

Electrical Engineer, 6 months scholarship @ FEUP, Co-Founder of WiseConnect.

ID 515585

João Machado

Founder @bluwalk • Background in Business and Operations (Kaizen Institute Consulting Group) • @faculdade-de-engenharia-da-universidade-do-porto

ID 505475

Artur Raimundo Dias

Sales and Marketing Top Graduate w/ Experience

ID 483200

Tiago Amaral

Worked at @bluwalk • Studied at @isep-porto

ID 250548

Júlio Santos

A Software Engineer and a great cook.

ID 161996

Rui Pedro Caramez

Social Media Strategist // Business Time Angel// @5hplus Advisor // Helping others with Social Media // Digital Marketing // Curator Social Media Day Portugal

ID 2167

João Amaral

Founder of @pickee, U-concept • Studied at @universidade-do-minho.

ID 728690

Pedro Macedo

CMO & Co-Founder @brandmeup • University of Porto. Passionate by Growth Hacking

ID 256947

Fábio Martins

Co-Founder of @skilleo and @bunker-studios. Software developer, photographer and philantropist.

ID 394054

Luís Martinho

Part of the @toptalllc developer network

ID 466586

Pedro Pereira

Founder and CFO at @uniwee • CFO at @c-m-upt-junior-consulting

ID 141030

João Lopes Martins

CEO @muchbeta, SaaS devlps, and @niiiws #iPad app. Thinking web, looking for and sharing news from the next future. ...

ID 625254

Miguel Jesus

ID 117946

Tiago Martins

Founder & CEO of Songvice • Studied Computer Science at @university-of-hertfordshire. Passionate Ruby on Rails Developer. House Music DJ & Producer

ID 69035

Rui Quelhas

Software Engineer @alpha-internet-ventures. Prev. same role @muzzley, PM @roundabet, all-around young programmer @onleague and guy @lean Startup Meetup Minho.

ID 146698

Miguel Pinto

Founder @portuguese-php-user-group, @rocket-internet Portugal • Worked at @rocket-internet, @lookatitude-it-services

ID 514215

Pedro Paixão

Founder @simi-1 • Worked at @portugal-telecom, @liacc-artificial-intelligence-and-computer-science-laboratory • Studied at @feup

ID 451396

Ricardo Neves

Founder @wiseconnect-1 • Studied at @faculdade-de-engenharia-da-universidade-do-porto

ID 105112

Bruno Costa

hacker by trade, hustler by nature • host @grand-startup-tour and Porto Tech Meetup

ID 516199

João Pinheiro

Studied at @faculdade-de-engenharia-da-universidade-do-porto

ID 719168

Pedro Paredes

CS Student @university-of-porto CTO @brandmeup

ID 196283

Daniel Loureiro

Studied at @universidade-do-porto

ID 733269

João Figueiredo

Project Manager @pixelmatters; Master student @feup; Software Developer @Wolfpack Media; Worked @triworks / Megaupload.

ID 552204

Carlos Pina-Vaz

9 to 5: Director at Golden Development. 5 to 9: co-founded 2 start-ups at 22. EMLyon Business School MSc. Lived and worked in 3 continents during last 6 years.

ID 165905

João Figueiredo

Founder @serei-as-chaves - Software Engineering finalist at FEUP - Web developer - Startups enthusiast.

ID 583625

Antonio Goncalves

Independent Consultant

ID 729323

Hélder Silva

Entrepreneur. Product Strategist. Reputation Economy Enthusiast CEO and Founder @brandmeup Clinical Research @HospitalSãoJoão

ID 714408

Felipe Schmitt

BSc. MSc. in CS, Design passion and Entrepreneur. Worked on 3 European Union R&D projects. Currently working at Bonaverde. Let's change coffee, together.

ID 239845

Edgar Novo

Founder @PICK - passion for sports knowledge

ID 75200

Paulo Pimenta

CEO Kuantokusta

ID 166513

José Lopes

Founder @grupzon

ID 658240

Isabel Martins Silva

ID 471189

Miguel Ribeiro

Founder @giving-friday • Worked at @technoserve, @farm-cia-do-cani-o • Studied at @porto-business-school, @universidade-do-porto

ID 786819

Pedro Branco

Founder of a junior initiative and participated in other similar organizations while in college. Managed several multifaceted teams. Studying MSc in Economics.

ID 243026

Acacio Coelho

Co-Founder CoVii - Computer Vision Interaction • Work at @aida-associa-o-industrial-do-distrito-de-aveiro • Studied at @universidade-do-porto

ID 747223

Ricardo Miguel

ID 302270

André Oliveira

Co-founder of @pixelmatters. Founder & CEO of @fiiinta. 23. Designer. Guts and will to make things happen with the power of passion, design & creativity.

ID 80002

Fábio Oliveira

Software Architect at ALERT Life Sciences Computing, S.A. iOS developer

ID 343879

João Ribeiro

- Software Engineer @skilleo - Enthusiast of new technologies and open source software - Entrepreneur Spirit - Linux Fan

ID 134674

Jose Antonio Herraez

Co-Founder & CEO at Your Student Network. Trilingual in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Entrepreneur.

ID 156133

Filipe Pina

Web Developer (mainly on Rails)... a geek with a musical hobby! Working @muchbeta and @niiiws

ID 738054

César Duarte

CPO @ SCRAIM • Helped companies improve with SW Process Improvement, Lean and Kaizen • Engineering Background with Project and Product Management experience

ID 747536

André Silva

MSc in Software Engineering, worked 6 years as a Graphic Design & Web Development Freelancer. Founded 2 startups and helped develop social projects.

ID 31917

João Nunes

Worked at @freelancer, @xd-portugal • Studied at @bachelor-of-engineering-computer-science

ID 343213

Beatriz Cardoso

Co-Founder @musicverb

ID 658813

André Silva

Founder at Digital Soul Games.

ID 228446

Mário Bessa

Founder Espresso MD cloud EHR • Worked at @siemens-healthcare • Studied at @universidade-do-porto

ID 196982

Luis Simões

Founder and Soft Skills Developer @getskilled. Certified Trainer and Coach, experienced in youth training all over Europe

ID 498988

João Miguel

Founder & CTO @uniwee

ID 220627

Renato Chainho

Founder @explicas-me

ID 186269

Rui Zamith

Founder of @kape-strategy-ltd. Marketer, Strategist & Online Entrepreneur (internwise.co.uk, graduatewise.com, kapeinternships.com)

ID 747877

Fábio Vasques

Adventures, adventures everywhere.

ID 786470

André Viana

MEng. Industrial Engineering and Management Student, University of Porto

ID 157094

Tiago Alves

CEO & Founder of Iterar. Previously at Niiiws. Master of Medicine at Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto.

ID 217518

Rui Santos Couto

Proudly Founder & CEO @musicverb

ID 622703

Antonio Costa

Co-Founder @dreamsscanner-1 • Studied at @universidade-do-porto, @universidad-rey-juan-carlos-1 • MSc in Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship • Marketeer; Worked at Molaflex S.A and Heliotextil S.A.

ID 577622

João Fernandes

FEUP Junior Software Engineer, former teaching assistant at FEUP and current intern at Glintt Healthcare Solutions. Likes to work outside the box.

ID 478563

Rui Ferreira

SW contractor at Becker. Strong SW engineering background on development and experience in team leadership. Full-stack generalist enjoying working on web dev.

ID 360776

Fábio Neves

Worked at @startup-buzz-1 • Studied at @universidade-do-porto

ID 311826

Teresa Nogueira da Costa

Lawyer; Corporate and Business Law Master; worked at an environmental ONG - Quercus

ID 328502

Nuno Seixas

Worked at @tymr

ID 793606

Ana Silva


ID 747677

Ana Soares

Founder Re-Book • Studied at @iseg

ID 181183

Pedro Abreu

Worked at @flyr ,@cisco and @ubiwhere

ID 552226

André Tavares

Software Architect, Full-Stack Developer and API Fanatic.

ID 120940

Vítor Brandão

Co-Founder and CTO of @nexttoyou-network-solutions

ID 779116

Vítor Araújo


ID 496714

Nuno Matos

Engineer and programmer. Developer of video-games with motion sensors for Android.

ID 75172

Pedro Pimenta

Founder of @kuantokusta. and @footagora

ID 441896

Nuno Marques

PhD candidate in Machine Learning @ University of Porto

ID 352811

Carlos Rebelo

Founder + CEO of 3Decide.Software engineer and researcher by mind, business leader and evangelist by heart! Founder of 2 NPO + 2 Companies.PM and NLP Certified.

ID 532146

Hugo Dias

Studied at @grenoble-graduate-school-of-business

ID 387143

João de Brito e Faro

ID 818714

Gustavo Oliveira

FEUP Soft Eng.

ID 518038

Mario Santos

Founder Footagora

ID 606578

Fausto Amaral

BA Economics

ID 685900

Joao Montenegro

Professor at University of Aveiro, launched successful 3d printer on the market, developing the first Portuguese sports car. Master POLIMI + Uni. Aveiro 2013

ID 653212

João Portela

Software Developer. Web enthusiast. Product-driven motivation.

ID 500106

Luis Costa

Android developer with a little experience in Windows 8 as well. Currently developing banking mobile applications.

ID 507826

Bruno Abreu

Five years experienced journalist with social ease and a passion to learn with others. Detail oriented and creative mind. Four language speaker.

ID 668585

Igor Carrasco

ISEP, developed full solutions from client to server.

ID 251190

Antonio Castro

Social Media Manager and Digital Marketing @www.appylab.pt

ID 718137

André Alves

A social geek wannabe. Also a daydreamer.

ID 518036

Alex Filipe

Well Hello!

ID 485527

Luis Costa

Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering at FEUP, Android Developer

ID 724960

Diogo Basto

Head of Engineering @brandmeup

ID 498619

Miguel Ferreira

Multi-platform objective-oriented Software Engineer. Loves challenges. Learning is living

ID 512722

Fábio Pinho

Working at @fraunhofer-aicos-portugal, @inesc-porto • Studied at @faculdade-de-engenharia-da-universidade-do-porto

ID 859482

Rui Andre Seca

Worked at Morgan Stanley, another bank and at a huge retail e-commerce website. Looking for a drastic change.

ID 609237

Tiago Rodrigues

ID 122991

André Pinto

MSc in Computer Engineering. Working at Blip as a SRE developer. Interested in Social, Web, Mobile and Location, or any other deeply challenging quest.

ID 495876

Luis Gomes

Masters in Informatics and Computing Engineering at FEUP, Portugal; Worked as software developer; Web and machine learning enthusiastic

ID 191270

Joao Ferreira

Pushing pixels as a Lead Designer @ Group Buddies

ID 473438

Mario Miguel

Porto, Growth Hacking Marketing Specialist

ID 242102

Sara Teixeira

Marketing & Communication at CoVii; Attending masters degree in Digital Marketing at ISCAP; Licentiate degree in Marketing at ISCAP

ID 594594

Filipa Lucas

ID 379284

Miguel Ângelo

Web&Mobile Developer junior

ID 818710

João Oliveira


Tech person and Software Engineer

ID 793345

David Martins

CRM Trainee; MSc at Engineering in Networks and Computer Systems

ID 691386

André Filipe Freitas

Founder of Nexo

ID 499242

Rafaela Carreira

Community Manager @uniwee

ID 500535

Mário Ramos

Full stack webdeveloper

ID 568618

André Dias

ID 515521

Frederico Queirós

Founder @kaepsi @phamma @mqscorp

ID 805558

Diana Baptista

ID 495363

Rui Marinho

Passionate about techonlogy , 7 years working with xaml on windows and doing web development. 3 years of mobile development on multiple platforms.

ID 498615

Inês Pinheiro

ID 738050

Victor Coelho

ID 809155

Andrew Talas

ID 633362

Francesco La Mantia

ID 846692

Frederico Pignatelli

MProf graduate at Univerity of Abertay Dundee in 2012; 3D Generalist; Graphic Designer; Worked at Leya Portugal

ID 801296

Ricardo Matias

ID 748362

Nuno Milagres

Founder Outerskills • Head of Marketing and Innovation @ VORTAL • Studied @civil-engineering-feup . MBA at @iscte Lisboa 2014.

ID 79821

António Jorge Alpedrinha Ramos

Recently a NodeJs enthusiast! Great learner, challenges oriented ! Interested in cool things like AI and complex algorithms !

ID 177239

Henrique Oliveira

it guy, thinker, make meaning, looking for a better world, Spirituality is everything.

ID 129181

Adclick Faceb

ID 73821

Bob Nebrig

ID 426965

Duarte Silva

Ambitious, passionate and self-driven; craving for challenges in the startup world!

ID 249461

Paulo Coelho

Job seeker

ID 432209

Kunal Gokal

Project Manager at Rocket Internet

ID 387882

Gonçalo Queirós

Masters in Informatics Engineering

ID 310450

Tiago Restivo

ID 329948

André Fernandes


ID 192209

Liano Duarte

ID 361028

João Pinheiro

Technology enthusiast

ID 183209

André Teixeira

Founder at Waverise | MSc Software Engineering

ID 351328

Gonçalo Monteiro

ID 339874

Pedro Saraiva

I write code. Interested in machine learning, distributed computing, and open source.

ID 412380

Fábio Rocha

iOS dev, web entusiast, revolutionary ninja developer, part-time hacker and technology addict.

ID 439137

João Almeida

Software Engineer with a large frontend development experience

ID 251516

José Gaspar

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