Porto Startups List

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Meet 6 web developer View everyone

ID 714408

Felipe Schmitt

BSc. MSc. in CS, Design passion and Entrepreneur. Worked on 3 European Union R&D projects. Currently working at Bonaverde. Let's change coffee, together.

ID 105112

Bruno Costa

hacker by trade, hustler by nature • host @grand-startup-tour and Porto Tech Meetup

ID 724960

Diogo Basto

Head of Engineering @brandmeup

ID 165905

João Figueiredo

Founder @serei-as-chaves - Software Engineering finalist at FEUP - Web developer - Startups enthusiast.

ID 747536

André Silva

MSc in Software Engineering, worked 6 years as a Graphic Design & Web Development Freelancer. Founded 2 startups and helped develop social projects.

ID 156133

Filipe Pina

Web Developer (mainly on Rails)... a geek with a musical hobby! Working @muchbeta and @niiiws

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