Porto Startups List

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Meet 28 entrepreneur View everyone

ID 82753

Francisco Tomé Costa

I'm passionate about football, startups and technology

ID 302270

André Oliveira

Co-founder of @pixelmatters. Founder & CEO of @fiiinta. 23. Designer. Guts and will to make things happen with the power of passion, design & creativity.

ID 243026

Acacio Coelho

Co-Founder CoVii - Computer Vision Interaction • Work at @aida-associa-o-industrial-do-distrito-de-aveiro • Studied at @universidade-do-porto

ID 118493

Inês Silva

Co-founder & Chief Pirate at @startup-pirates.

ID 343213

Beatriz Cardoso

Co-Founder @musicverb

ID 75172

Pedro Pimenta

Founder of @kuantokusta. and @footagora

ID 39994

Nuno Job

Geek. Open-source enthusiast. CCO @nodejitsu. Founder @thenodefirm & curator @lxjs

ID 65231

Frederico Camara

Co-Founder of @wegoout. Owner and Business Developer at Blip. Technical director at Daydream. UX team leader at @nokia-siemens-networks.

ID 251190

Antonio Castro

Social Media Manager and Digital Marketing @www.appylab.pt

ID 186269

Rui Zamith

Founder of @kape-strategy-ltd. Marketer, Strategist & Online Entrepreneur (internwise.co.uk, graduatewise.com, kapeinternships.com)

ID 69035

Rui Quelhas

Software Engineer @alpha-internet-ventures. Prev. same role @muzzley, PM @roundabet, all-around young programmer @onleague and guy @lean Startup Meetup Minho.

ID 134674

Jose Antonio Herraez

Co-Founder & CEO at Your Student Network. Trilingual in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Entrepreneur.

ID 196283

Daniel Loureiro

Studied at @universidade-do-porto

ID 120940

Vítor Brandão

Co-Founder and CTO of @nexttoyou-network-solutions

ID 228446

Mário Bessa

Founder Espresso MD cloud EHR • Worked at @siemens-healthcare • Studied at @universidade-do-porto

ID 2167

João Amaral

Founder of @pickee, U-concept • Studied at @universidade-do-minho.

ID 117946

Tiago Martins

Founder & CEO of Songvice • Studied Computer Science at @university-of-hertfordshire. Passionate Ruby on Rails Developer. House Music DJ & Producer

ID 728690

Pedro Macedo

CMO & Co-Founder @brandmeup • University of Porto. Passionate by Growth Hacking

ID 101923

Pedro Coutinho

CEO & Founder @meethub, @waterdog-mobile • Worked at @german-aerospace-centre, @gmv-s-a • Studied at @chalmers-institute-of-technology

ID 105112

Bruno Costa

hacker by trade, hustler by nature • host @grand-startup-tour and Porto Tech Meetup

ID 342576

Hristo Odiseev

Managing Director of Rocket Internet Technology Center | Founder of Zaedno & incirQle | Lives technology and startups | Worked at Google, 3M, KPMG

ID 239845

Edgar Novo

Founder @PICK - passion for sports knowledge

ID 65266

João Valente

Founder & CTO @outtrippin. Previously Tech-Lead at schooools.com and Project Manager / Information Architect at doist.io. Bridging the gap between computers and people.

ID 412380

Fábio Rocha

iOS dev, web entusiast, revolutionary ninja developer, part-time hacker and technology addict.

ID 120002

Rafael Pires

I'm a curious tech guy, exploring the entrepreneurship world, with a recently found passion for design! - Co-founder @startup-pirates

ID 126319

Afonso Santos

CEO & Founder of @tuizzi.com; Winner of "Startup Games 2012" and "Outstanding Individual Award"; Winner of SWITCH Conference Startup Competition Lisbon 2012

ID 127845

Simão Freitas

Software engineer @marley-spoon. Previously @pryog, @wedo-technologies, @vortal. Founder and editor at strobe.pt

ID 729323

Hélder Silva

Entrepreneur. Product Strategist. Reputation Economy Enthusiast CEO and Founder @brandmeup Clinical Research @HospitalSãoJoão

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